Sunday, August 23, 2009

Improving yourself

Every day of your life, you learn something new. Even if it is a repetition of something already happened, it is still new for that specific days. Every events in life, brought us nearer to the term 'understanding life'. We just need to realize what is good to be taken as a templates, or what bad things to be ignored.

Keupayaan seseorang dalam memajukan diri adalah 100% terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri. Namun setiap apa yang seseorang individu itu lakukan, tetap membawanya kepada terma 'kefahaman'. Terma ini adalah terma yang amat luas, dan tidak usah dibincangkan dalam ruangan ini. Kesedaran ini harus dipraktikkan, untuk memberikan nilai yang lebih tinggi kepada diri sendiri, bukan bermaksud menaikan standard, tetapi menaikkan nilai 'understanding' itu sendiri.

I'm not a philosopher nor some bookworm, just a simple person with complicated thinking, to look forward for the real value of life, wasted life...

One day I was walking by the seaside, back at home. I saw a sea shell, laying on the sand. I started to think... 'poor shell, she ended her life at sea, and no one ever saw her beauty'... that is the way a fool thinks, just like me thinking that the shell ended her life in a useless manner. But hey, guess what.. shells live in a very different environments, different world, it would never never never ever ever ever be the same as my life!! Then I saw the empty shell moving.. "aih! suda mati pun buli guyang2 lagi kaa??" Waaahh... ada umang2 laaa di dalamnya!.. Lalu ku perhatikan umang2 itu, sejenak air memukul pantai, umang2 itu menerjah ke arah percikan anak2 ombak laut itu... "eh, kuat juga ni umang2 nie"...

I realized that life isn't moving the way we expected it to be, maybe not all the time, but sometimes when the flow is right, we may experience bad or good things, happy - sad, bright - dull thoughts... The shell contributed its ended life to something very useful. She does becomes one of the worlds beauty, but not in my world.. in other biological dimension world... at sea... "eh, were there anything I contributed during my life? I dont want to be a cadaver, but I am sure want to leave my 'name' behind, to be remembered by my fellow friends... family, loved ones.. etc..."

Lihat, cengkerang di tepi pantai pun boleh memberikan tunjuk ajar pada ku. AAhhh adakah aku naif sangat malas untuk memikirkan rongga2 hidup ku sendiri? baik ku perbuat sesuatu yang baik, daripada menerima sesuatu yang baik sahaja daripada teman2ku. Eh, cukup la ni... sampai pagi pun x habis....

Besok XM, good luck kawan2 smua.... yg bepuasa tu... selamat bepuasa...!!! :D

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