Lebih kurang sejam lalu, satu link diintroducekan padaku. "eh baiknya...(membang baik pun).. try tengok la dulu"...
Perenggan pertama, mcm pelik ja title.
Turun lagi.. eh, mula snyum2 pula mcm kerang busuk.
Lagi turun lagi turun tengok post2 sblum sblum tue.. waaahhh.... kataku dlm hati, ini barulah!... Beberapa title ku baca, smua menggelikan hati, buah pinggang, pankreas, smua pun seolah2 faham perubahan yang berlaku padaku semasa membaca link tu.. tersengih bukan main, lain lagi windows chatting.. huhuhuuu... memang best link tuu.. waaaa.. syok baca..
Tiba2 terasa jauh ketinggalan diriku dalam perkara2 sperti ini. Kekreatifan diri seseorang umpama suatu ukiran hidupnya semenjak rebungnya lagi, hingga ke buluhnya nanti, itulah identitinya. Ingin ku perolehi keistimewaan sepertinya, mengukir pengalaman2 yg ada pada dirinya, diolah menjadi suatu bahan yg amat menarik, tapi aku tetap ketinggalan.
Ku ambil keputusan, utk stopkan dulu blogging ni. Give up buat seketika. Aku terasa amat jauh ketinggalan.
Atas rasa hormat dan penghargaan, satu link telah ku lepaskan dari laman web persendirianku, walaupun dalam beberapa bulan lagi tamat perjanjian dengan pemberi perkhidmatan www ku itu. Rugi juga ku rasakan, semenjak tahun lalu ku perolehi accessnya, tapi tidak ku gunakan, baru 1 minggu lalu ku lakarkan laman tersebut, aaahh.. aku tetap ketinggalan.
Ah biarkan saja, lakaran pada tubuhku tidak sama seperti orang lain. Tapi, link yg baru ku lawati itu tadi lah yang paling best pernah direcomendkan padaku. Nak berhenti membaca, x tahan geli di hati, tapi terus juga membaca.. hish.. :D .... at last... ok laa.. berhenti dulu smpai di sini... lgipun dah xda kawan utk chat, nk kacau org? Aaahh.. smuanya kelabu... ok laa.. oh yaa... Thanks Aaahh.. you know.. :D
Mungkin ini yang terakhir buat Tahun ini, atau mungkin juga tidak, aku pun x pasti. Namun mataku tetap akan lawati blog2 yang lain (mcm la bnyk, setakat ini 2 blog ja yg ku baca).
So long my crumpled space....
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Improving yourself

Every day of your life, you learn something new. Even if it is a repetition of something already happened, it is still new for that specific days. Every events in life, brought us nearer to the term 'understanding life'. We just need to realize what is good to be taken as a templates, or what bad things to be ignored.
Keupayaan seseorang dalam memajukan diri adalah 100% terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri. Namun setiap apa yang seseorang individu itu lakukan, tetap membawanya kepada terma 'kefahaman'. Terma ini adalah terma yang amat luas, dan tidak usah dibincangkan dalam ruangan ini. Kesedaran ini harus dipraktikkan, untuk memberikan nilai yang lebih tinggi kepada diri sendiri, bukan bermaksud menaikan standard, tetapi menaikkan nilai 'understanding' itu sendiri.
I'm not a philosopher nor some bookworm, just a simple person with complicated thinking, to look forward for the real value of life, wasted life...
One day I was walking by the seaside, back at home. I saw a sea shell, laying on the sand. I started to think... 'poor shell, she ended her life at sea, and no one ever saw her beauty'... that is the way a fool thinks, just like me thinking that the shell ended her life in a useless manner. But hey, guess what.. shells live in a very different environments, different world, it would never never never ever ever ever be the same as my life!! Then I saw the empty shell moving.. "aih! suda mati pun buli guyang2 lagi kaa??" Waaahh... ada umang2 laaa di dalamnya!.. Lalu ku perhatikan umang2 itu, sejenak air memukul pantai, umang2 itu menerjah ke arah percikan anak2 ombak laut itu... "eh, kuat juga ni umang2 nie"...
I realized that life isn't moving the way we expected it to be, maybe not all the time, but sometimes when the flow is right, we may experience bad or good things, happy - sad, bright - dull thoughts... The shell contributed its ended life to something very useful. She does becomes one of the worlds beauty, but not in my world.. in other biological dimension world... at sea... "eh, were there anything I contributed during my life? I dont want to be a cadaver, but I am sure want to leave my 'name' behind, to be remembered by my fellow friends... family, loved ones.. etc..."
Lihat, cengkerang di tepi pantai pun boleh memberikan tunjuk ajar pada ku. AAhhh adakah aku naif sangat malas untuk memikirkan rongga2 hidup ku sendiri? baik ku perbuat sesuatu yang baik, daripada menerima sesuatu yang baik sahaja daripada teman2ku. Eh, cukup la ni... sampai pagi pun x habis....
Besok XM, good luck kawan2 smua.... yg bepuasa tu... selamat bepuasa...!!! :D
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Terlihat blog2 yg byk dilebarkan di blogger.com, wah, semuanya 'advanced'... IIhhh fikirku... satu blog tu, best juga baca, well, at least ada juga news feed yg boleh dibaca setiap kali.
Tak pun aku merancang blogging, tapi nmpknya wlaupun xda pembaca, kata2ku boleh 'diimprove' dalam ni.
Ada satu blog tue, inda miss ku baca selalu, contentnya cukup membuat mindaku pelik... wahh...
Eh, tidak kusedar, di bawah tu ada pengunjung... warm welcome to you visitor.. thanks for joining me in my lonely crumpledspace.
Mau cari bnyk experience lagi ni.... haaaa.. crumplespace.... hodohnya layout ko ... nanti2 ja la tengok yg lain...
Now experiencing... I got a friend in here.. thanks nana..
Tak pun aku merancang blogging, tapi nmpknya wlaupun xda pembaca, kata2ku boleh 'diimprove' dalam ni.
Ada satu blog tue, inda miss ku baca selalu, contentnya cukup membuat mindaku pelik... wahh...
Eh, tidak kusedar, di bawah tu ada pengunjung... warm welcome to you visitor.. thanks for joining me in my lonely crumpledspace.
Mau cari bnyk experience lagi ni.... haaaa.. crumplespace.... hodohnya layout ko ... nanti2 ja la tengok yg lain...
Now experiencing... I got a friend in here.. thanks nana..
Friday, August 14, 2009
its my fate
~~~~~as i looked through the pages of some of my 'drugh', i felt back the pain like a sword has been push through my heart... .. .. .
so hurt...
so... so... hurt... ... ... .. . . it's my fate...
and it hurt more... because the pages i saw... i knew exactly every corner of that place... and i've been there before.. spending my 24 'miecet' there.. or more than that...
i am so dissappointed... i regretted it so much.. soooooo.. much.. and it is hard to let go.. and i know, it will never.....
looking at the titles and subtitles of each pages... they seems to be having so much fun... bringing back all the view of that place.. which is still fresh in my mind... that makes me bled again.... i never in my life, forget about it even if i wanted to... it's my fate...
a diamond slide through the rugged surface... with the pain it sings... while thinking "will i ever stand in that position ever, will i ever go to places like that again, will i ever succeed in what i persue?"
i know the only medicine is, to get back all those lost years by achieving what i am persuing...
but then i think again "will i be able to achieve it, with no penny in my pockets, no gold to be sold, no wood to be carved??".... i felt the acheing pain again....
it felt so hurt....
it hurt me so much... so badly... can i just shed my diamonds again?....
ohh... i realy spoiled my chance.... it's my fate...
then i think again... "why did i spilled the milk off the glass?? why don't i just drink it, and have the satisfaction in tasting it?? not even i'll get satisfaction, it is healthy too!!!"
i am so stupid.... very foolish... and it hurt...
hurt me so bad...
sooo.. sooo... .. .. . hurting......... it's my fate..
i am not being negative... not being back viewing... but history will never be deleted, even if times faded it away from my age....
i remembered the medicine i mention before... and think... "i must get to it once again, and never lose grip of that glass of milk this time"... i hope a miracle will help me towards it, even if my pocket is penniless... it's my fate....
yesterday, today, tomorrow, till the last breath.. till my encephalon becomes dirt again..... it's my fate...
so hurt...
so... so... hurt... ... ... .. . . it's my fate...
and it hurt more... because the pages i saw... i knew exactly every corner of that place... and i've been there before.. spending my 24 'miecet' there.. or more than that...
i am so dissappointed... i regretted it so much.. soooooo.. much.. and it is hard to let go.. and i know, it will never.....
looking at the titles and subtitles of each pages... they seems to be having so much fun... bringing back all the view of that place.. which is still fresh in my mind... that makes me bled again.... i never in my life, forget about it even if i wanted to... it's my fate...
a diamond slide through the rugged surface... with the pain it sings... while thinking "will i ever stand in that position ever, will i ever go to places like that again, will i ever succeed in what i persue?"
i know the only medicine is, to get back all those lost years by achieving what i am persuing...
but then i think again "will i be able to achieve it, with no penny in my pockets, no gold to be sold, no wood to be carved??".... i felt the acheing pain again....
it felt so hurt....
it hurt me so much... so badly... can i just shed my diamonds again?....
ohh... i realy spoiled my chance.... it's my fate...
then i think again... "why did i spilled the milk off the glass?? why don't i just drink it, and have the satisfaction in tasting it?? not even i'll get satisfaction, it is healthy too!!!"
i am so stupid.... very foolish... and it hurt...
hurt me so bad...
sooo.. sooo... .. .. . hurting......... it's my fate..
i am not being negative... not being back viewing... but history will never be deleted, even if times faded it away from my age....
i remembered the medicine i mention before... and think... "i must get to it once again, and never lose grip of that glass of milk this time"... i hope a miracle will help me towards it, even if my pocket is penniless... it's my fate....
yesterday, today, tomorrow, till the last breath.. till my encephalon becomes dirt again..... it's my fate...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Some friends, are like diamonds, and for some, they are like mobster...
Some are kind in hearts, some are mean [as in adjective (North American)]...
Both sometimes can walk along, sometimes cannot...
There were friends who are willing to give, and for some, they will take almost everything to themselves, just to make sure that they are satisfied and happy (while not considering others), they will never think of others and if possible, they will try to put the others down to their feet. Saying "I'm so sorry" millions of times just to soothe others torn heart. They pretend to be better and good and cooperative (but in their heart, they'll say "NO, I MUST UPHOLD WHAT I WANT, WHAT I THINK")
Lots of lists of types of people in this world, but we can just encounter a few at a time in life...
I had myself encountered more than enough, each period of my life, the universe is teaching me of how cruel this world is for populus/populace (Latin) to live...
Hate is not an option as some people are so sarcastic with their beliefs, that they must put themselves humble... till their head is thrashed and drawn away.
Some are kind in hearts, some are mean [as in adjective (North American)]...
Both sometimes can walk along, sometimes cannot...
There were friends who are willing to give, and for some, they will take almost everything to themselves, just to make sure that they are satisfied and happy (while not considering others), they will never think of others and if possible, they will try to put the others down to their feet. Saying "I'm so sorry" millions of times just to soothe others torn heart. They pretend to be better and good and cooperative (but in their heart, they'll say "NO, I MUST UPHOLD WHAT I WANT, WHAT I THINK")
Lots of lists of types of people in this world, but we can just encounter a few at a time in life...
I had myself encountered more than enough, each period of my life, the universe is teaching me of how cruel this world is for populus/populace (Latin) to live...
Hate is not an option as some people are so sarcastic with their beliefs, that they must put themselves humble... till their head is thrashed and drawn away.
"Ah, kenal juga aku dengan perangai manusia itu! Baik ku menjauhkan diri. Umpama suatu sumpahan bagi setiap perkataan yang diucapkan dari bibirnya. Entah naga durjana mana yang telah meletakkan kuasa ke atas kepalanya, hingga ayahnya pun mampu dibahamnya."
Teman 1: "ah, kau mampu mengatakan pernyataan itu, tapi setahuku, layananmu terhadap manusia itu, masih tak berubah"
Teman 2: "Cheh! katamu saja begitu, buatmu?"
This is not the first I've encountered, there was a few more... another men, another woman other than the above, and some more others.. but the story is not recorded, so let it be in my own ganglia for the rest of my life. Maybe someday I'll let it out, but for now, it is just too long for my finger to press my pavilion tx2520au's keyboard.
Teman 2: "Cheh! katamu saja begitu, buatmu?"
Bagiku: Ah! takkan kamu x tahu, aku kan hipokrit! Disebabkan duduk sebumbung setiap hari, xkan aku nak bercuka muka tuh! Doiii Giaa... Lagipun, baik aku diamkan saja, cukup hatiku saja yang sakit, takkan aku nak balas apa yang dibuatnya terhadapku dan kawan2ku yang lain, nanti xda bezanya aku dgn manusia itu... Biar orang lain yang sakitinya, biar robek hatinya itu, sampai tunduk tak tengadah lagi, berlutut tak berdiri lagi, namun masa itu x mungkin sampai, sebab naga durjana telah membasahinya dengan berkat neraka sakti angkasa!! Chisss! jadi siapa yang patut menuntut bela? Oooh that's easy, let the other knows its true nature... It will live in a cursed crumpled space through the rest of its life...
This is not the first I've encountered, there was a few more... another men, another woman other than the above, and some more others.. but the story is not recorded, so let it be in my own ganglia for the rest of my life. Maybe someday I'll let it out, but for now, it is just too long for my finger to press my pavilion tx2520au's keyboard.
"no body is perfect"... :)
Browsing some pictures on google.com
I stumbled upon these website where a bunch of cute animal picture was posted.
Uploaded some below:

How Cute!!! ha ha ha...
Uploaded some below:
How Cute!!! ha ha ha...
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